Monday, May 4, 2009


Recently, our group was talking about conflict.  Most of our group members that took the conflict inventory had compromise be their most used.  This was one of my most used conflict styles and I definately agree.  I often think that this conflict syle suits me because I don't like to look for conflict and I want to be compromising.  This way, each party gets a little bit of what they want and you can come to a mutual agreement.  

I had a tie for my most used conflict style, however, and along with compromising my other conflict style was competition.  This was interesting to me and now that I think about it, it does suit me in some ways.  I am often unwilling to give in and when conflict arises, I usually believe I am in the right and am unwilling to give in.  I am competitive by nature, and when I am involved in conflict, I often want to "win", even though I may believe I am in the wrong and understand that I am in the wrong.  This can definately make already conflicting situations worse.  If I am fighting with someone and they know I am wrong and I know I am wrong but am in a mood that is unwilling to let myself give in, then the conflict is very difficult to resolve.  This is where competition can be negative.  In situations like this, if I was more willing to be compromising, then we would both get a little bit of what we wanted and the conflict would be much easier to resolve.

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