Monday, May 11, 2009


Me any my boyfriend share a very intimate relationship. We share important information and feelings, which is an emotional guideline of intimacy. We also engage in intellectual sharing. We exchange important ideas that bring us closer each and every day. We also share physical intimacy along with shared activities. We do everything with each other, from going on runs to living together to visiting each other at work. We are always together in our free time and when we are not together we always call each other. We are very close and share everything with each other.

Although we are very intimate, we also have our distance. We have our seperate friends and our seperate family and spend time apart as well as together. We have different hobbies and past times because we both agree that although we love each other and love spending time with each other, we each need our seperate lives as well. I think distance is very important in our relationship because being apart also makes us realize how much we like being together. After a day apart we come together more intimate than ever, excited to share news about our lives and the time we spent apart.

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